This why I do what I do, and how it all began.

After building a career in marketing within the travel industry, I was made redundant from my role in 2018. Fortunately, this came at a point in my life where I was ready for change, so I took the time to decide what to do next.

Following a holiday to New Zealand, I had the light bulb moment. When I got back from holiday, I researched the potential to work within the New Zealand immigration space, but based in the UK. And as a result, I went back to university to re-train.

To provide New Zealand immigration advice you need to become a Licensed Immigration Adviser, and the only way I was able to become licensed, was to enrol in the Graduate Diploma of New Zealand Immigration Advice at Toi Ohomai University in New Zealand.

Fortunately, I was able to study remotely! A year of intense study paid off, being granted my immigration licence and also being awarded the Top Overall Student and Professional Practice Awards.

And this is how I set up my business, Relocate Down Under, offering a personalised visa consultancy for New Zealand, through providing immigration advice and visa assistance.

Shortly after launching my business, Covid hit. This had a considerable impact, which was magnified by the fact that New Zealand closed their borders in March 2020 and only fully re-opened them 2 years later.

However, with this challenge came opportunity. I was able to help the partners of New Zealanders to navigate the Covid restrictions and visa instructions, so they could relocate to New Zealand together. This included clients who had been living in the UK with their NZ partner for many years, who had decided it was time to make the move permanently.

As the borders started to reopen, so did more visa opportunities, and more people I could help to relocate.

Working in a role that helps change people’s lives and fulfil their dreams, can be very rewarding. I particularly enjoy it when I can help a client to achieve the ultimate goal of permanent residence, and when I receive photos or emails from happy clients who are loving their new life in New Zealand.

Want to start your own journey to New Zealand? Get in touch today.


Nicola Crome Licensed Immigration Adviser UK

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