New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category is reopening

After being suspended for the last couple of years, the Skilled Migrant Category is about to reopen.

INZ will resume selections of expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa on 9th November 2022. The future direction of the Skilled Migrant Category is being reviewed and changes are likely to be implemented from mid 2023.


Selections will resume from 9 November 2022. All EOIs with at least 160 points will be selected.

The second selection will be on 18 January 2023. All EOIs with at least 180 points will be selected.

Selections after 18 January 2023 will be on the third Wednesday of each month. All EOIs with at least 180 points will be selected.

The Skilled Migrant Category is currently under review and the changes to eligibility and selection will be implemented from mid-2023.

EOIs that have already been submitted.

If you have previously submitted an EOI, you can choose to continue or withdraw it. If you withdraw your EOI before it is selected you can request a refund.

If you want to continue, you should check your details are correct and add any new information before 9 November 2022. You can also claim any additional points.

New EOIs

New EOIs can be submitted. Any that are submitted before 9th November 2022 will need to hit the threshold of 160 points to be selected. Any that are submitted from 9th November 2022 will need to hit the new threshold of 180 points.

Get in touch to see if you are eligible to be included in the next selection.

Take our eligibility assessment

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