A new online form has gone live on the Immigration New Zealand website, for visa holders to transfer their current valid visa to a new passport.

Transfer a visa to a new passport

You can use this form to transfer a visa to a new passport if your old passport has expired, was stolen, was damaged or if your name has changed. And this applies whether or not you previously had an e-visa or a visa label in your old passport.

Applying for the balance of your visa

If your temporary visa was granted for a shorter length of time than you applied for, due to the expiry date of your passport, you can use this form to apply for the balance of your visa to be transferred to your new passport.

Requesting a visa letter

You can also use the form to request a letter or visa label endorsement to confirm the visa holder’s immigration status.


There is no fee for an e-visa or a confirmation letter. If you wish to have a visa label in your passport, there is a fee which you pay after you submit the form.

Access the visa transfer form


If you have any queries about getting a visa for New Zealand, get in touch.

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